Male Llamas |
Argentine Oso
Fathers Name=Argentine Frappuccino
Mothers Name=Argentine Zeva
Argentine Oso is a big boy born at 32# he was off at the start. He has soft fiber and a gentle spirit. His mother Argentine Zeva is a first time mother and his father Argentine Frappuccino has few babes on the ground. Frappuccino has glorious fiber and was Grand Reserve in fiber a few years ago.
Argentine Ali
Fathers Name=Argentine DaVinci
Mothers Name=Argentine Plateado
Argentine Ali is a fighter like Muhammad Ali. Born in June his mother initially struggled with milk so he was bottle fed for a week off and on. He is now a strong young male and very gentle. His flowing fiber is from his grandfather Argentine Poltergeist. He will be a stunner. He has Argentine Don Zunca but in the fourth generation.
Argentine Thor
Fathers Name=Argentine Blanco Chico
Mothers Name=Argentine Sombra
Argentine Thor was a mystery baby. Born to Argentine Sombra, a second generation Argentine llama in the United States, who is 19 years old but still a great mother. We had decided not to breed her any longer, but she had other ideas. His father is Argentine Blanco Chico and this is his first offspring. He has very wavy hair like his father and going to be a good herd sire.
Argentine Raphael
Fathers Name=Argentine DaVinci
Mothers Name=Argentine Helena
Raphael is high spirited and nosy. Great confirmation and fiber. His father Argentine DaVinci throws a lot of color and his mother Argentine Helena possesses good thick fiber without crimp. His white fiber is strong thoughout his coloring,
Argentine Carpintero
Fathers Name=Argentine DeTroit
Mothers Name=Argentine Zoe
Argentine Zane
Fathers Name=Argentine DeTroit
Mothers Name=Argentine Zari
Argentine Frappuccino
Fathers Name=Argentine Zapata
Mothers Name=Argentine DeAtras
Argentine Frap as he is known to us was a winner as soon as he hit the ground. His fiber has won Grand and Reserve last year (2012) at the Heartlland Llama show. His disposition is quiet and he has shown very well for us. We hope to have him settle his first female this spring. Looking for great offspring with Frappuccino as their father.
Argentine Lucchese
Fathers Name=Argentine Taylor Made
Mothers Name=Argentine Carmalinda
Argentine Lucchese is a happy cria with great facial markings. Sadly his father, Argentine Taylor Made, passed last year with the heat, but left a legacy we will enjoy with Lucchese. He is grey/brown and showed last year in the ring. He is co-owned with Lynda Carothers.
Argentine DaVinci
Fathers Name=Argentine Poltergeist
Mothers Name=Argentine Tiana
Argentine DaVinci has great lineage with Arg Poltergeist, Machi, and Pampita as his parents and grandparents. He truly is beautiful to gaze at with his combination of colors. Last year was his first year in the ring and he did quite well. His fiber received a reserve grand champion and he only was 1 year old. We expect great things from this young male.
Argentine Marcels Michaelangelo
Fathers Name=Argentine Marcel
Mothers Name=Argentine Helena
Argentine Marcel\'s Michaelangelo is a gorgeous portrait in our fields. He came with presence and has glorius colored fiber. His top line is straight, he is very gentle and shy at times. He is the first offspring of Argentine Helena and a sure winner who we will keep for our future.